Sundance Media Group Podcasts, Webinars, and more!

It has been a few weeks of lock-down now and we hope that all our readers are doing well during these uncertain times.  If you haven't seen our post with links to assist small businesses, resources for laid-off workers and key ways we all can save and use our downtime, check it out here. Our [...]

Selecting the Right Drone for Your Construction Business

Douglas Spotted Eagle and Brady Reisch headed into the field to collect aerial construction data over fourteen weeks with three different drones.  Their goal was to determine which drone was best for the construction job site. They used three popular aircraft for the comparisons and the results were pretty surprising.    Read all about it [...]

WEBINAR – Urban Turbulence & Micro Climates with your UAS

Have you ever had a situation in the field where your sUAS seemed to have a mind of its own?  In this 90 minute webinar, we'll discuss how wind flow patterns offer predictability if one is able to read the environment.   We'll explore how seemingly unpredictable sUAS behavior can be predicted based on [...]

We Are In This Together And We Are Here For You.

During this time of surreal and trying circumstances, Sundance Media Group stands ready to support our clients, friends, and agencies who have utilized our services, or are considering our services. We have suspended all in-person training until April 17, and will re-evaluate our stance at as that date approaches. Per Federal recommendations, we urge anyone not directly [...]

Pix4D Training (Las Vegas December 2019)

Description Pix4D software allows users that do not possess specialized GIS-grade equipment to rapidly create relatively accurate models. This Pix4Dmapper workshop focused on an sUAS (drone) capture workflow, will introduce key Pix4Dmapper workflows and output.  This two-day session will showcase optimal camera settings, flight planning techniques, MTP identification, placement, safety considerations, and application-specific best practices.  [...]

NOTAMs, Authorizations, and Waivers (O My!)

Recent experiences around the country indicate that there are pilots in the UAS industry that may not fully understand the unique differences between Authorizations, Waivers, and NOTAMs. The point of this article is to express the differences, and bring clarity to the three notifications. Imagine a public event where multiple UAS pilots will gather to [...]

Pix4D Public Safety Workshop – Idaho Falls

Description Kickstart your public safety workflow by learning about Pix4D's recommended best practices when capturing and processing aerial and terrestrial images. This is a technical workshop organized in partnership with Pix4D for public safety professionals using drones to document vehicular collisions. The workshop will introduce you to creating accurate reconstructions and improving final results. By registering for [...]

AC 107-2 Maintenance, Batteries, and Logging

Maintenance of any aircraft system is a basic requirement, and UAS are no different. All too frequently, UAS operators/pilots arrive on scene, take a drone out of its case (assuming the aircraft lives in a case), and puts it into the air. While this may seem too simplified, a recent survey polling 107 certificate holders [...]

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