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FoxFury, Sundance Media Group, Westwind Unmanned, and public safety personnel will demonstrate how to achieve scene capture in the dark, with a drone, capable of 2D and 3D mapping and modelling.
These same techniques may be applied to virtually any type of night scene capture.

A known crime scene has been recreated and will be flown with both night-vision and standard RGB cameras to demonstrate the viability of wide-variety of non-specialized cameras in dark crime scene capture environments.

Pix4Dfields (a new product) will be demonstrated live on-site, for rapid verification of image capture and area integrity.



Cameras are permitted. Please; no photography during drone flights.

Sunset is at 6:12pm EST; We will be in the field from 6:15pm and ready to fly the CSI scene by 6:45pm.  We will have setup, and mapping flights complete by 7:30pm and will process the data inside.



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