What you can’t see can hurt you.

Large events require a large security footprint, and sUAS (drones) are a significant force multiplier, increasing situational awareness, speeding response times, and may be used to direct traffic in a specific direction in the event of an incident. Providing a cost-effective, silent eye-in-the-sky, sUAS are a significant addition to any live event or large area that requires security.
Augmented by thermal cameras, automation, 180/VR cameras, or simple manual flight, sUAS may be flown in the shadows at heights that do not disturb even the most intimate events, and allow for overwatch that is unobserved from the ground, day or night. Coupled with our aerial operations center, our systems are plug n’ play, as an augmentation to existing security solutions or as a sole solution in a secured environment.
Pre-programmed, walking speed flights of a perimeter provide observations of gatherings or dissipation of crowds indicating a possible change of state in a given area. Onion skins of areas allow security operations to determine new vehicles in an unauthorized area, or removal of vehicles post site lock-downs, indicating undesired and potentially threatening changes to a secure area.
Security perimeters may be saved for repurposing at later events, saving time, reducing cost, and aiding in the planning of perimeter security well before the event occurs.

Rooftop binoculars work well in some instances, yet are not optimal for long-term scanning. Binoculars, whether hand-held or mounted, cause fatigue, eyestrain, and require additional head-count for specific areas. It is technically challenging to share binocular views, and optics can be affected through environmental factors (temperature, haze, humidity). sUAS are able to hover near any object, are effectively impervious to environmental issues (within FAA regulations), and our technology allows us to share live streams from the aerial asset to any party with whom the client would like to share the data. An aerial asset also permits the use of thermal technology to identify heat signatures in various environments. For example, a locked-down garage should show no heat signature/human presence. In a dark area, only thermal imaging devices can see and display these heat signatures, indicating the presence of unauthorized entry.
sUAS are able to respond to a reported location significantly faster than a human, enabling eyes-on any scenario while security teams are enroute. Up-to-date situation-reporting
Connected to to the SMG Aerial Security A.V.O.C., data may be shared to multiple locations in real time, capturing images and video in overwatch scenarios. Liased with local law enforcement or private security, radio, video, and direct communication provide deep situational awareness.
The SMG Aerial Security solution centers around our Aerial Vehicle Operations Center which can support as many as four simultaneous aircraft in automated flight, and two manually flown aircraft with a variety of payloads ranging from standard RGB cameras, night-vision cameras, bullhorns, thermal cameras, and conceal/control devices.
The AVOC is self-contained with two generator systems and battery backup, and can be connected to a 110, 15 amp shore power system. The AVOC is rigged for night operations, and features video distribution for up to four live camera inputs sent as a single or multi-image to a primary or secondary command/security operations center.