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Police, fire and government entities are constrained in the use of UAVs, not only by budget but also public perceptions and oversight. This workshop focuses on lessons learned and key factors for a successful UAV program, including mapping, reconstruction, mission overwatch, patrol uses, search and rescue, emergency management, interior tactical searching, health sciences, cyber-security, data science operations and other related topics.

Wednesday, October 3

Part I (2:00 – 3:30pm)

Developing Successful UAS Programs

Identifying your goals; justifications & benefits analysis
Obtaining buy-in and approvals from elected officials & public
Sources for knowledge & funding; Public-Private Partnerships
Policies and SOPs for safe operations
Operating under 107 versus COA

Part II (4:00 – 5:00pm)
Ensuring Ongoing Success & Scaling

Selecting the right sensors, platforms, systems
UAS interoperability, imaging, and automation
Practical guide for ongoing training
Pros and cons: lessons & best practices from the field

Confirmed Speakers Include:

Harrison Andrew Pierce, San Diego Homeland Security
Richard Fields, Los Angeles Fire Department
Scott Mlakar, Willoughby Fire Department / Lake County UAS
Tracy Wilkinson and Chad Karlewicz, Renton Police Department
Daniel Marek, Nevada Highway Patrol
Michael Ralston and Tom Calvert, Battalion Chief, Menlo Park Fire District

Track Name: Industry Workshop Sessions


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